What to expect at your massage therapy session
- Your massage therapist will ask questions about your overall health.
- The massage therapist will leave the room while you undress. Take off only as much as you are comfortable removing.
- Your massage therapist should check on pressure and comfort throughout your appointment. If you're uncomfortable at any time, tell your massage therapist.
- Massage therapists often use oil or lotion. If you're allergic to oils or lotions, tell your massage therapist beforehand.
- After your massage, the massage therapist will allow you to slowly get up and get dressed in privacy.
- For a more comprehensive list of things to expect visit the AMTAs original article here.
Massage is best used when planned according to the wellness plan you have with one of our practitioners. If you aren't using the other health and wellness offerings at the Collective, please consider adding it to your regular self care routine.